Jimmy Rowles

James George Hunter, known professionally as Jimmy Rowles, epitomized the countless talented musicians whose professional careers were suspended during World War II. Back in 1943, he was swiftly ascending the ladder of success, but military service interrupted his trajectory. Upon re-entering civilian life, he seamlessly resumed his path, demonstrating exceptional talent that forecasted a prominent position within the national
jazz music scene.

Born in Spokane, Washington, on August 19, 1918, Jimmy Rowles developed an interest in music at the age of 14. He approached his mother, who played piano by ear, for guidance, and she wisely suggested he seek instruction from a formal teacher to establish a solid foundation. In his first year of study, Rowles not only absorbed lessons but also gleaned insights from records. He displayed a remarkable ability to accurately replicate solos from the...

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Jimmy Rowles Albums

3 records

Albums featuring Jimmy Rowles

106 records