Laia Cagigal


Fresh Sound New Talent

Laia Cagigal (vcl), Dani Pérez (g), Roger Mas (p), Giulia Valle (b), Ramon Prats (d), Berta Vilaclara (vcl), Ton Risco (vb), Albert Cirera (ts), Silvia Pérez, Pablo López (vcl)

Reference: FSNT-319

Bar code: 8427328423199

This unique show is the sum of Núria Martínez Vernis poetry and Laia Cagigal musical compositions. An spirited history of life and dead. APNEA offers the music as a vehicle built around the eclectic singer Laia Cagigal. She finds the perfect balance between the vibrancy of a standard song and the experimentation, creating a very personal alchemy where ideas and collaborators come and go on this album. Pianist Roger Mas, Giulia Valle on bass, drummer Ramón Prats and the vital soloist role of guitar player Dani Pérez, help make the rest, pieces of brash jazz, brave improvisations and original sounds in a record that had his previous and critically acclaimed live introduction in the Summer of 2006.

01. Apnea 1 (3:31)
02. Apnea 2 (5:53)
03. Apnea 3 (7:58)
04. Apnea 4 (1:54)
05. Apnea 5 (3:53)
06. Apnea 6 (4:23)
07. Apnea 7 (5:43)
08. Apnea 8 (4:32)
09. Apnea 9 (2:55)
10. Apnea 10 (5:47)
11. Apnea 11 (1:27)

Album details

Total time: 47:00 min.

All compositions by Laia Cagigal

Personnel: Núria Martínez Verni (poetry), Laia Cagigal (vcl, composer), Dani Pérez (g), Roger Mas (p, keyb), Giulia Valle (b), Ramon Prats (d). Berta Vilaclara (vcl on #1), Ton Risco (vib on #1 & 2), Albert Cirera (ts on #5 & 7), Silvia Pérez (vcl on #8), Pablo López (off voice on #5).

Recorded and mixed at Laborati de So de Metronom, Barcelona, 2007.

10,95 €  (tax incl.)

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