Antoine Berjeaut & Robin Fincker

Antoine Bearjeaut & Robin Fincker's Primitive London brings together four pro-active forces from France and UK's creative music scenes, passionate about sound collisions, improbable musical marriages and with impressively diverse individual achievements. They are - Antoine Berjeaut (trumpet, bugle), Robin Fincker (saxophone, clarinet), Kit Downes (hammond organ, keyboards), Jim Hart (drums).

Primitive London pays a tribute to the marvels of British "library music" and its forgotten treasures from the XXth century. This Anglo-French quartet winks at these psychedelic pieces, shady atmospheric ambiances and peplum-worthy melodies that were used as radio interludes, TV program trailers and other sonic backdrops.

Primitive London takes its turn in inventing a "soundtrack without a film" and composed a repertoire of original music, digging new tunnels between pop, jazz, electronic, free and...

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Antoine Berjeaut & Robin Fincker Albums

1 record