Tuesday Afternoon

From time to time, when you hardly have time to take it in properly, bands come along that really break cultural boundaries, bands that bridge the gap between Europe and America without much effort. Perhaps what they do is to remind us of the importance that the rock tradition in North America has always had, and continues to have. Tuesday Afternoon are, at once, an example of this and an exception to the rule. Firstly, because, all the way from Barcelona, Spain, they tip the hat to the authentic American rock and pop songwriters from the last few decades and manage to reinterpret their work in a very contemporary, vital and creative way.Secondly, because, without straying too far from the same path, they manage to decorate, revamp and alter such a tradtion with a distinct continental flavour.Born in Barcelona just a few years ago, Tuesday Afternoon is made up Guillem Duñó... Read more

Tuesday Afternoon Albums

1 record